Thursday, February 7, 2013

Whoring around Again

 Ah Ha, the title got you didn't it. You dirty little mind you.

After a while of inactivity, we are going to not do that thing any more....the inactivity thing......not the active things that were stopped doing for a while. We're gonna do stuff again! We had a some one ask us on YouTube to review one of their games. It's called "Survival Ball." We are recording that today and hopefully have it up by Saturday. I'll also be writing a more detailed review of the game here and it will consist of a full review of RockByteSoftware's (that's the guy I was talking about in case you didn't get that) other titles.

Also two days ago I uploaded our newest cartoon episode to our channel. It's called "The Iron Jew." A kid named Matt shows up, preaching "the gospel" (emphasis on quotations) on the block and Joshua just can't stand another religion on his street. So it's a whole bunch of religious intolerance, but there is a good message behind it. Just like all of our well thought out few minute cartoons. :)

And another thing, the last thing, today we will be recording the second set of voices for "Tom the Talking Turkey and Jerald the Retarded Sea Turtle." But don't worry, we'll have a shorter title as well, so no one has to say or read that monstrosity. "Tom and Jerald" will be the shorter title. YES I realize that it sounds almost exactly like "Tom and Jerry" and NO we didn't think about that at the time. But it's too late!!! WE already recorded voices that say both the names "Tom" and "Jerald." Come to think of it, maybe I'll spell it with a "G." It's not like anyone is going to be talking about it to there friends or anything, no one gives a crap about it!

But enough rambling and self pitying, that's that. And another final thing after the already final thing, I'll upload some video of some of the recordings today along with the first set of recordings. Should be pretty funny. It usually is. Well to us it is...cause we aren't actually funny.

Okay, bye.

Watch and share!

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