Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Self Help Books are Crap

Self Help

    Within a few days we will have the new Beans on the Block Episode up on our YouTube Channel. Basically, in this episode, Malena gives Joshua a “Self Help” book so that he might calm his ways and treat people with a little more respect. However I don’t want to give away anything.
    What I want to talk about is a new artistic element that we are implementing. Typically Joshua goes out into the neighborhood and city of Anniston in order to take Panorama photos and use them as a background. However, one particular scene takes place in a fast food restaurant. We can’t use any photos of the insides of any fast food restaurants because of copyright issues.
    To work around this, we created a full 3D scene in the likeness of McDonald's. With this scene we are breaking the traditional style that we intended for Beans on the Block. However there are more possibilities and potential capabilities with having a full 3D scene. There can be more interaction between the characters and their environment. But we shall see how people like it, and how it fits into our plans with this cartoon.

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